Cool Vehicle Wrap in MUTOH Booth
MUTOH AMERICA had a great show at the recent NBM trade show in Long beach, CA. The booth was packed with people for all three days and they did a great job teaching the crowd tips and tricks in vehicle wrapping. The wrap was done by Wrap Nation. All printing was done on the MUTOH ValueJet 1638x wide format printer, the “wrapper choice” as its come to be know in the industry.
MUTOH Participates in NBM Seminar Program
7 Tips Every Sign Shop MUST Know to Solve Image Problems!
In addition to the show booth, MUTOH’s Mark Rugen, Dir. Product Marketing & Education presented two 1-hour seminars for NBM. “7-Tips Every Sign Shop MUST Know to Solve Image Problems!” had over 200 registered and over 60 attending. The seminar demonstrated several free and commercial software programs for getting designs done faster.
In this seminar we demonstrated 7 tips and programs that will accelerate everyday workflow by handling the following issues:
- How to get the fastest print, cut and perforation in making decals.
- How to enlarge an image from inches to feet without loss in quality.
- How to vectorize low-resolution color images with accurate results.
- How to identify a font from a photo in seconds.
- How to get rid of complex backgrounds in any image.
- How to erase and replace items in any image.
- How to handle and correct images that need color enhancement.
Attendees will walked away armed with tips that will change their workflow forever! If you didn’t attend, you can still get a copy of the presentation by going to the whitepapers menu and downloading your personal copy.
The second presentation was attended by over 60 as well and had nearly 200 registrations. Attendees learned how to put together a system of hardware and software that will allow them to create and produce craft & specialty type items that will sell like crazy. This seminar showed them all the items needed to get started but also give them some idea of the various products they can create, what they sell for and how to get a return on your investment in just a few short months. We showed all attendees how to get into this lucrative business with minimal investment and maximum returns. If you are just starting into business or just want to add another profit center to your existing one, then download a copy of the whitepaper.
Overall, this was a great show for both the exhibitors as well as the attendees. WRAPSCON, the wraps convention was held in conjunction with this show and was a huge success as well. Hope to see you in Long beach next year, we will be there with some surprises!