Training is an Event. Learning is a Process!
I say that often. It’s part of my personal philosophy, and it’s part of my business philosophy. Let me explain what I mean and why this is so important to me, People around the world (you included) buy learning materials, books, audio programs, and webinars and attend lectures and workshops every day. Those learning options exist whether you want to learn about leadership, leopards or being a lifeguard.
Companies and organizations everywhere organize and fill workshops and classes continually, because they want to invest in their employees’ and team members’ education and learning. All of those activities make sense. We want to be able to learn or do more, and our life experience says that a classroom and reading are the ways to learn something new.
Unfortunately, a large percentage of those investments of time, money and effort in courses, books and programs are wasted. Books don’t get opened, webinars aren’t attended, workshops are forgotten and much more. It isn’t really the fault of the author, instructional designer or trainer. While there are things that people can do to improve the results gained from their products, in the end it isn’t their responsibility.
It is the learner’s responsibility.
As long as we carry an “event” mindset, we won’t get the results we want. Because learning is a process, but all the programs, classes and books are just events, and we don’t learn in a lasting way from an event.
So how am I practicing what I preach? Look no further than http://mutoh.thinkific.com
Here you will find numerous courses, events, if you will. But it’s up to you to turn these into a learning process by commenting on what you learn, sharing some things you have done to get better or more efficient in your workflow with others.
I can share my knowledge and the knowledge of others, but only you can share your experience and turn these courses into a learning process.
Join me and join the hundreds of others who take these courses and let’s turn this into a learning process!
Let me and eveyrone else here know what topic you’d like to learn more about. Start talking to each other and let’s make a site that goes beyond training and turns into a learning process. Go here and share you ideas and experince with everyone!